Tag Archives: Employee Development

Do This One Simple Thing and You Will Empower, Engage, and Energize Your Team!

One of the most important concepts I have tried to impress upon the thousands of managers, supervisors, and team leaders I have trained and coached over the years is this one: You have WAY more power and influence than you … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Caring, Coaching, Collaboration, Communication, Control, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Employee Retention, Employee Satisfaction, Encouragement, Influence, Leadership, Management, Morale, Performance Management, Productivity, Success, Supervision, Support, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Promote Your People – Part 2

Help your people get promotions in the organization.  Of course, not every subordinate may be management material (or may even want to be considered for a management role), but if they are, they will appreciate any help you can give … Continue reading

Posted in Ambition, Career, Caring, Coaching, Collaboration, Delegation, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Employee Retention, Employee Satisfaction, Feedback, Honesty, Leadership, Learning, Management, Morale, Organizations, Promotion, Supervision, Team Leadership, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Promote Your People – Part 1

This special two-part series of posts was prompted by the last series – Questions Every Boss Needs Answered by Their People.  (BTW…if you didn’t read this series, I highly recommend it.  It was crammed with practical tips to help any … Continue reading

Posted in Ambition, Career, Caring, Celebration, Coaching, Collaboration, Communication, Competence, Delegation, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Employee Retention, Employee Satisfaction, Leadership, Management, Morale, Organizations, Professional Development, Recognition, Staffing, Supervision, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

5 Questions Every Boss Needs Answered by Their Subordinates – #5

The first question is the most fundamental: What do you need from me in order for you to do your best work? The second question is built on the first: Do you have the opportunity every day to do what … Continue reading

Posted in Ambition, Career, Caring, Coaching, Collaboration, Communication, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Employee Retention, Employee Satisfaction, Leadership, Management, Morale, Organizations, Productivity, Promotion, Supervision, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The High Jump Principle

I am continuing my posts on the topic of DELEGATION with this foundational principle.  I owe my good friend and colleague, Keith Drury, for this concept that he shared with me years ago.  It is as important today as it … Continue reading

Posted in Career, Coaching, Competence, Delegation, Hiring, Leadership, Management, Organizations, Personal Success, Potential, Promotion, Success, Supervision, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Can They? Will They?

The Two Essential Questions of Effective Delegation I posted last time about the issue of DELEGATION.  Since there are so many important and interconnected elements to effective delegation, I decided to continue this topic with added insights and additional tips. … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Coaching, Communication, Control, Deadlines, Delegation, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Leadership, Management, Performance Management, Productivity, Supervision, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Great Advice from Top CEO’s – #22

PEOPLE…are a LEADER’S most valuable resource. This is a variation of another great piece of advice that comes from more than one wise source: All other resources can and must be managed…but PEOPLE must be LED.  It’s a reminder of … Continue reading

Posted in Agility, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Leadership, Learning, Management, Morale, Personal Growth, Personal Success, Potential, Professional Development, Success, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Vision | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Great Advice From Top CEO’s – #8

Talk with the warring parties separately before bringing them to the table. This advice comes from Lee Price, a consultant and contributor at Monster.com:  Talk with the warring parties separately before bringing them to the table. She cautions leaders, “Not … Continue reading

Posted in Coaching, Collaboration, Communication, Conflict, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Leadership, Management, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Vision | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Great Advice From Top CEO’s – #2

Never Bring a Problem to Your Boss Without Also Bringing a Solution This post’s word of advice comes from R. Dixon Thayer, an executive advisor to Bryan Park Capital in New York and CEO of ab3 Resources, a strategic consulting … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Collaboration, Communication, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Leadership, Management, Organizations, Problem-Solving, Professional Development, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Google’s Management Pitfalls – #2

Pitfall #2: Lacking a consistent approach to performance management and career development Google puts it this way: They don’t help employees understand how these work at Google and they don’t coach them on their options to develop and stretch. The … Continue reading

Posted in Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Leadership, Management, Organizations, Performance Management, Professional Development, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment