Category Archives: Employee Motivation

5 Questions Everyone in the Workplace Wants Answered – #4

The first question is the most important and fundamental:  WHAT’S MY JOB? The second question follows the first: HOW WELL AM I DOING IT? The third question is more profound: WHAT AM I PART OF? The fourth question is about … Continue reading

Posted in Agility, Collaboration, Communication, Competence, Creativity, Customer Service, Decision Making, Decision-making, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Leadership, Management, Morale, Organizations, Performance Management, Planning, Problem-Solving, Productivity, Success, Supervision, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Values, Vision, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

5 Questions Everyone in the Workplace Wants Answered – #2

Question #2: How well am I doing it [my job]? If you want to be an effective leader, you must be able to answer these questions for EACH OF YOUR TEAM MEMBERS. The first question is the most important and … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Coaching, Communication, Consistency, Control, Delegation, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Failure, Feedback, Honesty, Integrity, Leadership, Management, Morale, Performance Management, Recognition, Supervision, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


I was reading a recent web article by an executive who was extolling the virtues of what he called “micromanagement.” (??!!)  As I read further, I realized he was (in my opinion) misusing the term.  And I think his thoughts … Continue reading

Posted in Coaching, Control, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Failure, Feedback, Leadership, Management, Morale, Performance Management, Problem-Solving, Productivity, Supervision, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Learn From Managing Millennials

This is the advice from Nancy Lublin of Do Something, who champions Millennial workers in an article published in FastCompany magazine.  Instead of bashing this young and audacious generation, she vouches for their uniqueness and potential for impact.  She says, … Continue reading

Posted in Caring, Celebration, Coaching, Collaboration, Communication, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Influence, Leadership, Management, Morale, Performance Management, Productivity, Recognition, Supervision, Team Culture, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hire S.H.A.R.P.E.R. People – Part 3

A = Ambitious Managers and supervisors are looking for team members who have the energy and commitment to make progress in their jobs and in their careers.  How do you know if you have a candidate who has the ambition … Continue reading

Posted in Ambition, Career, Character, Competence, Employee Development, Employee Motivation, Hiring, Interviewing, Leadership, Learning, Management, Morale, Personal Growth, Personal Success, Potential, Professional Development, Promotion, Success, Supervision, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Can They? Will They?

The Two Essential Questions of Effective Delegation I posted last time about the issue of DELEGATION.  Since there are so many important and interconnected elements to effective delegation, I decided to continue this topic with added insights and additional tips. … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Coaching, Communication, Control, Deadlines, Delegation, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Leadership, Management, Performance Management, Productivity, Supervision, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Know Thyself

This word of leadership advice comes from a good friend and associate, Dan Maltby.  Dan holds a PhD. in leadership from The Drucker Institute (I think he knows a thing or two about leadership!)  At one time, Dan was administering … Continue reading

Posted in Agility, Character, Collaboration, Conflict, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Feedback, Hiring, Leadership, Management, Morale, Personal Growth, Personal Success, Self-Awareness, Success, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Building Trust with The 4 C’s

Leaders MUST build trust with their people!  That’s the advice of top business leaders and consultants who have observed the serious loss of trust in many organizations today.  In the July 2010 issue of Ignite! Newsletter from the folks at … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Caring, Character, Collaboration, Communication, Competence, Consistency, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Honesty, Influence, Integrity, Leadership, Management, Morale, Personal Success, Productivity, Success, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Trust, Uncategorized, Values | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Great Advice From Top CEO’s – #23

Do what you say you will do!* This issue’s great advice comes from Mary Kay Ash, the incredibly successful entrepreneur who founded Mary Kay Cosmetics.  She often advised up-and-coming leaders:  “Be the kind of person that people can rely on … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Collaboration, Communication, Customer Service, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Honesty, Influence, Integrity, Leadership, Management, Morale, Personal Success, Success, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Values | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Great Advice from Top CEO’s – #22

PEOPLE…are a LEADER’S most valuable resource. This is a variation of another great piece of advice that comes from more than one wise source: All other resources can and must be managed…but PEOPLE must be LED.  It’s a reminder of … Continue reading

Posted in Agility, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Leadership, Learning, Management, Morale, Personal Growth, Personal Success, Potential, Professional Development, Success, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Vision | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment