Category Archives: Delegation

DOER / MANAGER / LEADER – 3 Roles, 3 LEVELS, 3 Stages – Part 2

In the last installment, we explored these three elements as roles and discovered that we are likely to function in any of them, depending on the circumstances and demands of the situation. The key is to be aware of what … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Career, Change, Change Management, Collaboration, Communication, Competence, Conflict, Consensus, Control, Customer Service, Decision-making, Delegation, Influence, Innovation, Leadership, Management, Organizations, Performance Management, Power, Problem-Solving, Productivity, Risk, Supervision, Support, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mastering the Push and Pull of Effective Leadership – Part 2

In the last installment, I introduced a study done by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman that explored two key approaches to performance management—pulling and pushing.  Here’s how they introduced the concepts: When you see a task that needs to be … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Coaching, Collaboration, Communication, Competence, Control, Decision-making, Delegation, Employee Development, Feedback, Leadership, Management, Performance Management, Problem-Solving, Productivity, Supervision, Support, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Trust, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mastering the Push and Pull of Effective Leadership – Part 1

Jack Zenger is one of my favorite leadership and management “thinkers.”  He and his partner, Joseph Folkman, recently conducted a study on the two key approaches to leadership and management efforts they termed, “push” and “pull.”  They wanted to determine … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Coaching, Collaboration, Communication, Competence, Control, Delegation, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Employee Satisfaction, Influence, Leadership, Management, Performance Management, Productivity, Supervision, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Promote Your People – Part 2

Help your people get promotions in the organization.  Of course, not every subordinate may be management material (or may even want to be considered for a management role), but if they are, they will appreciate any help you can give … Continue reading

Posted in Ambition, Career, Caring, Coaching, Collaboration, Delegation, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Employee Retention, Employee Satisfaction, Feedback, Honesty, Leadership, Learning, Management, Morale, Organizations, Promotion, Supervision, Team Leadership, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Promote Your People – Part 1

This special two-part series of posts was prompted by the last series – Questions Every Boss Needs Answered by Their People.  (BTW…if you didn’t read this series, I highly recommend it.  It was crammed with practical tips to help any … Continue reading

Posted in Ambition, Career, Caring, Celebration, Coaching, Collaboration, Communication, Competence, Delegation, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Employee Retention, Employee Satisfaction, Leadership, Management, Morale, Organizations, Professional Development, Recognition, Staffing, Supervision, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

MORE GREAT Questions Every Boss Needs Answered by Their Subordinates

I have often encouraged leaders with the following wisdom: If you listen to your people, they will hand you leadership success on a silver platter!  If you are willing to listen to their input, your team members will surprise you … Continue reading

Posted in Coaching, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Customer Service, Decision-making, Delegation, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Employee Retention, Employee Satisfaction, Feedback, Honesty, Innovation, Leadership, Learning, Management, Morale, Organizations, Performance Management, Problem-Solving, Productivity, Professional Development, Recognition, Supervision, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

5 Questions Every Boss Needs Answered by Their Subordinates – #2

If you want to be an effective leader, you must be able to get clear answers to five essential questions—from EACH OF YOUR TEAM MEMBERS. The first question is the most fundamental: WHAT DO YOU NEED FROM ME IN ORDER … Continue reading

Posted in Career, Collaboration, Communication, Competence, Delegation, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Feedback, Hiring, Interviewing, Leadership, Management, Morale, Performance Management, Personal Success, Productivity, Professional Development, Self-Awareness, Staffing, Supervision, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

5 Questions Everyone in the Workplace Wants Answered – #5

If you want to be an effective leader, you must be able to answer these questions for EACH OF YOUR TEAM MEMBERS. The first question is the most important and fundamental:  WHAT’S MY JOB? The second question follows the first: … Continue reading

Posted in Caring, Collaboration, Communication, Competence, Delegation, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Leadership, Management, Morale, Performance Management, Productivity, Supervision, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

5 Questions Everyone in the Workplace Wants Answered – #2

Question #2: How well am I doing it [my job]? If you want to be an effective leader, you must be able to answer these questions for EACH OF YOUR TEAM MEMBERS. The first question is the most important and … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Coaching, Communication, Consistency, Control, Delegation, Employee Development, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Failure, Feedback, Honesty, Integrity, Leadership, Management, Morale, Performance Management, Recognition, Supervision, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

When you DELEGATE, you gotta COMMUNICATE!

This post was prompted by a number of questions raised by managers and supervisors in my management training seminars.  It brought a very common management blunder to the surface, and I realized it was something that needed to be addressed … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Collaboration, Communication, Conflict, Delegation, Leadership, Management, Mistakes, Supervision, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment