Category Archives: Deadlines

Doer / Manager / Leader – 3 ROLES, 3 Levels, 3 Stages – Part 1.

Which one of these are YOU?  How you answer the question depends on how you are using or understanding these terms.  Each of these three designations can describe… A role you fill in the organization where you work A position … Continue reading

Posted in Agility, Authority, Career, Change, Change Management, Collaboration, Competence, Control, Creativity, Deadlines, Decision-making, Employee Development, Hiring, Influence, Innovation, Leadership, Management, Organizations, Performance Management, Personal Growth, Personal Success, Potential, Power, Problem-Solving, Productivity, Professional Development, Promotion, Self-Awareness, Staffing, Supervision, Team Culture, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Vision, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hire S.H.A.R.P.E.R. People – Part 2

H = Hardworking In this post, we’re going to explore one of the most important qualities of a good hire: the motivation and intention to work with diligence.  The last thing leaders want on their teams is an acceptance of … Continue reading

Posted in Agility, Character, Customer Service, Deadlines, Hiring, Honesty, Integrity, Interviewing, Leadership, Learning, Management, Productivity, Promotion, Success, Supervision, Uncategorized, Values, Work | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Can They? Will They?

The Two Essential Questions of Effective Delegation I posted last time about the issue of DELEGATION.  Since there are so many important and interconnected elements to effective delegation, I decided to continue this topic with added insights and additional tips. … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Coaching, Communication, Control, Deadlines, Delegation, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Leadership, Management, Performance Management, Productivity, Supervision, Team Dynamics, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Great Advice from Top CEO’s – #24

You will never be an effective leader until you can be comfortable being responsible for what other people do. This issue’s great advice comes from one of my favorite CEO’s – Rick Frost of LP (Louisiana-Pacific Corporation).  I heard Rick … Continue reading

Posted in Authority, Collaboration, Communication, Consistency, Control, Deadlines, Delegation, Leadership, Management, Performance Management, Risk, Supervision, Team Leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment