Goals vs. Systems

I was impressed with this concept from Scott Adams.  During an interview, he referenced his book, How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life.  In his book he made the point that goals are not the key to success—systems are.

So…what’s the difference?

A goal is where you want to end up.  A system is how you achieve a particular goal—how you get there.  Here are some examples:

Goal:  I want to lose 20 pounds.  System: Weight Watchers.

Goal:  I want to be debt-free.   System: Stop discretionary spending/start paying off debt.

Goal:  I want to have a comfortable retirement.  System: Put money regularly into an IRA.

Company executives often miss this distinction when they decide to do STRATEGIC PLANNING.  (I put it in capital letters, so it looks and sounds as important as executives want it to be!)  Much of strategic planning is merely the setting of business goals with no plan [system] for achieving them!  (The heavily touted BHAG—Big Hairy Audacious Goal—is often the worst offender in this regard!)

Team leaders can make the same mistake when they set goals for their teams.  It’s vitally important that team leaders incorporate their teams in this planning process, and focus on HOW, together, we are going to achieve the goal.  It must be crystal clear what each person on the team is going to do—especially the team leader—to contribute to the overall success.

Before I say anything else, let me be clear about one thing—setting goals is a good thing.  It’s the first step toward success!  And I encourage everyone to think and dream big about what they want to accomplish.  Then vividly imagine what it would look like to achieve that goal.  Don’t forget to also write it down—commit it to pen and paper.  Then talk about it with other people—as much as you can!  Finally, match your goal with specific steps you can take to support the process of achieving it—construct a system to help you get where you want to go!

My goal to build a successful consulting practice was achieved by a simple system:

1.  Confer with successful consultants I know (who also know me) to determine if I have the qualifications and skills necessary.  I did.  I learned I do.

2.  Get my start-up expenses with a simple sale of some of my resources.

3.  Find a business mentor who can show me how to incorporate my business.

4.  Start networking.

5.  Start working with sub-contracts from larger consulting businesses.

6.  Learn how to succeed at business development from someone who knows how.

7.  Do my own business development, to get my own direct contracts.


So…what’s your goal?  And what system have you identified that will get you there?  Start dreaming…and start thinking strategically!

Yours for better leaders…and better organizations.

Dr. Jim Dyke – The Boss Doctor

About thebossdoctor

Dr. Jim Dyke is "The Boss Doctor" whose consulting, training, and executive coaching practice has equipped thousands of managers, supervisors, and executives for more effectiveness in their various roles of leadership. His corporate website is www.CLIonline.com
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