Can We Talk???

The ability to communicate effectively is routinely designated in HR circles as a “soft skill.”  It’s a bit misleading.  In my many years as an executive coach and leadership consultant, I have concluded that soft skills are absolutely essential for effective leadership at higher levels in every organization.  (Yes, even in the military!) 

I’ll take it one step further.

Effective leaders must not only communicate well, they must also teach their subordinates how to communicate well!  This begins with the example provided by leaders, themselves.  Because…subordinates will tend to emulate; follow; reproduce; their leader’s way of communicating—whether good and bad!  So a leader must provide a good model for their team to follow.  This is an important part of a leader’s greater responsibility—to create a positive communication “climate” with their teams. 

Social scientists use the term “climate” to describe the overall context for communication that exists within a particular group.  It’s part of the culture of a workgroup, team, or larger organization.  And it defines or shapes the communication that takes place within that group.  A positive or “warm” communication climate encourages open, honest, direct, and forthcoming communication among members—especially between leaders and followers.  Issue #10 of the LeadershipTracks newsletter describes a communication climate using six distinctive qualities—defined in contrasting opposites.  You can access it here.

But don’t stop there!

Take a closer look, with the helpful details supplied in the matching issue of The Personal Trainer.  It includes specific examples of what each quality looks like (and sounds like!) in typical workplace conversations.  We need that kind of specificity, because it’s so easy to miss the boat when we communicate—to have the right ideas; content; intent—but to fail in the “delivery.”  Harvard Business School professor Frances Frei alluded to this in a recent interview.  She was discussing the challenge of building trust in our communication.  Here’s what she said:  “So, is it substance – the real logic, or is it style – the communication?  We find that it’s far more often style than substance.”  You will find ample help with your communication style in this expansive issue of The Personal Trainer.  It also includes an entire section showing you how to communicate more effectively with your boss—even if that person presents a bit of a challenge in doing so!  You can access the issue here.

Feel free to use these practical resources to help you achieve more effective communication with your team, your colleagues, and your influential higher-ups.  And please share your thoughts; comments; feedback—I would love to hear from you!

Yours for better leaders, and better organizations…

Dr. Jim Dyke – The Boss Doctor

About thebossdoctor

Dr. Jim Dyke is "The Boss Doctor" whose consulting, training, and executive coaching practice has equipped thousands of managers, supervisors, and executives for more effectiveness in their various roles of leadership. His corporate website is
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One Response to Can We Talk???

  1. Pingback: The Four C’s – What Teams Need to Master in Order to Be Effective – Part 1 – Communication | The Boss Doctor

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