Great Advice from Top CEO’s – #20

Learn from mistakes and listen to feedback.

This issue’s great advice comes from Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of WPP.  This is what he recommends, if you want to make better decisions!

It might be a little uncomfortable, but you need to listen to feedback!

Sorrell speaks to the realities that executives face in today’s fast-paced business environment, where leaders must be able to react quickly to rapidly-emerging opportunities.  He emphasizes…

  • the need to experiment
  • the need to tune-in to intuition, and
  • the need to look for moments of unique inspiration. 

In turn, he recommends a decision-making process to fit this environment—one that is “quick, flexible, and largely informal.”

Get the facts and figures, too!

Take time to crunch the important numbers, too!

But Sorrell also urges us to include a rigorous analysis with supporting data and some formal processes as well.  Additionally, he recommends sounding out relevant players in the process: key clients, suppliers, competitors.  Here is his advice:  Try to identify individuals you trust who have no agenda in the issue at hand. 

Tune in to your internal critics!

Be a good listener – to the people you trust for honest feedback!

Xerox CEO Anne Mulcahy supports the value of feedback.  She says, “You need internal critics: people who know what impact you’re having and who have the courage to give you that feedback.”  She adds, “I learned how to groom those critics early on, and that was really, really useful.  This requires a certain comfort with confrontation, though, so it’s a skill that has to be developed.”  So… how do you go about mining these internal critics for their ideas and opinions?   Mulcahy uses an assertive approach to gain their input.  She asks point-blank,

“What are you thinking?  I need to hear.” 

Additionally, leaders must take care to craft a communication climate that supports open and honest feedback from team members—a team culture that doesn’t “shoot the messenger.”  Check out my blogpost on June 4, 2020 for lots of practical tips and resources that will help you do this!

Will any of this advice guarantee a great decision EVERY TIME?  Unfortunately, NO.  Sorrell reminds us that mistakes are unavoidable!  He explains, “we all make mistakes all the time… However, the only way to avoid making mistakes is to avoid making decisions… But then the company would grind to a halt.  Instead, learn from mistakes…”  Author Jim Collins recommends that leaders conduct an “autopsy without blame.”  Take a hard look at the mistake and learn from it, without pointing the finger at specific persons or teams.

If you want your team to develop better decision-making and problem-solving skills, we can help!   We can teach you and your people how to think more creatively and collaborate more effectively so you can solve the tough problems you are facing and overcome the difficult challenges coming your way.  Call us today!  In the meantime, stay tuned to this blog for more great ideas to improve your leadership!

Until next time… Yours for better leaders and better organizations,

Dr. Jim Dyke – “The Boss Doctor” ™ helping you to BE a better boss and to HAVE a better boss!

About thebossdoctor

Dr. Jim Dyke is "The Boss Doctor" whose consulting, training, and executive coaching practice has equipped thousands of managers, supervisors, and executives for more effectiveness in their various roles of leadership. His corporate website is
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