The Success Triangle

There’s a Simple FORMULA for SUCCESS

The best insight I ever received about personal success and career advancement came in the form of The Success Triangle—a concise and simple way to understand exactly what it takes to succeed (both in the present AND in the future!).

It owes its origins to the “Fire Triangle,” which was created to help people understand how to prevent (and defeat) any dangerous blaze.  The Fire Triangle consisted of three elements: fuel, heat, and air.  The concept of the Fire Triangle is a simple one: remove any of the three components in the triangle, and a fire is no longer possible or sustainable. 

The Success Triangle is a perfect parallel—remove any of the three components in the triangle, and SUCCESS is no longer possible or sustainable. 

For a quick one-page description, download the FREE copy of Issue #13 of The LeadershipTracks Newsletter.  You can access it here.

This Formula Can Really Help You!

The Success Triangle is a simple paradigm, but it has surprisingly wide application. 

Your pathway to SUCCESS

It offers practical guidance for an ambitious leader who is making momentous career decisions.  And it is of real help in the day-to-day decisions and assignments that a manager must make in the down-and-dirty world of employee performance and development.  You can read all about it in Issue #13 of The Personal Trainer.  You can download this FREE resource here.

About thebossdoctor

Dr. Jim Dyke is "The Boss Doctor" whose consulting, training, and executive coaching practice has equipped thousands of managers, supervisors, and executives for more effectiveness in their various roles of leadership. His corporate website is
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