Google’s Rules

RULE #7 – Have a clear vision and strategy for the team


One of the most neglected ingredients of effective team leadership is team vision.  The vast majority of teams labor with a vague, understated, often assumed understanding of the “why” of the team’s work.  In short, the vision of a team is rarely defined explicitly or inscribed somewhere, much less discussed openly and regularly.

But clear vision is absolutely essential to successful teamwork!  Here’s how we know this…

A ground-breaking study of teams from Harvard University years ago conducted a detailed examination of both types of teams—teams that succeeded and teams that failed.  Here’s what they found:  Teams that succeeded all had one thing in common; the same thing in common—they all had a written team vision statement.  Teams that failed all had one thing in common; the same thing in common—they all lacked a written team vision statement.

The conclusion: A clear, written team vision statement is essential for team success!

I devoted an entire chapter to team vision in my book, Leading Teams: How to Inspire, Motivate, Lead, and Succeed!  In that chapter I showed what a team vision is; how to obtain it; and how to use it to lead and manage a successful team.  You can access the chapter using this link to my corporate website:  Leading Teams—Sample Chapter

Google researchers came to the same conclusion I did—that it is essential to involve the team members in the process of creating the team vision.  Google put it this way:

Involve the team in setting and evolving the team’s vision and making progress toward it.

Involving the team creates buy-in.  It’s an often overlooked principle: P = O (Participation equals Ownership).  Put another way: We are more likely to support that which we help create.  That principle also applies with team goals and team strategies.  The more involved team members are in the creation of these, the more likely they are to affirm them; embrace them; and support them with dedication and hard work.  Furthermore…

A clear understanding of the team vision is even more critical during crisis, chaos, or change.

When the team has a crystal clear understanding of the team vision, team goals, and team strategy, they also have a beacon that gives them clear direction—even when they are dealing with uncertainty in their circumstances.  A clear team vision, especially, provides a solid, unchanging basis for strategic problem-solving and decision-making.  In the midst of uncertainty and change, it’s the one thing that is certain; the one thing that doesn’t change!  Google encourages leaders:

Even in the midst of turmoil, keep the team focused on goals and strategy.

Often, this is as simple as laying out the work assignments for today, regardless of what the future might hold.  Too many leaders allow their team to get distracted by the potential dangers in the uncertain future, which by definition is unpredictable.  What most teams need at a time like that, is a focus on what they can do right now that makes sense and best serves the organization. 

Here’s an example:  During the coronavirus pandemic, many health service providers here in the U.S. faced potential shortages of personal protective equipment.  Savvy leaders didn’t panic.  They didn’t just close their facility and send their people home.  They took various immediate steps to address the issue and they focused their teams on the vision and the goal of providing care for their patients.

If you are looking for ways to get your team working more effectively together, we can help!  Give us a call and we can show you how our coaching sessions can equip you for more effective leadership.

And for more information about my book, use this link to download a description:  Leading Teams

Until next time… Yours for better leaders and better organizations,

Dr. Jim Dyke – “The Boss Doctor” ™ – Helping you to be a better boss and to have a better boss!

About thebossdoctor

Dr. Jim Dyke is "The Boss Doctor" whose consulting, training, and executive coaching practice has equipped thousands of managers, supervisors, and executives for more effectiveness in their various roles of leadership. His corporate website is
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