Turning Correction into Compliments

I often remind my management students–Your #1 Job is to Help Your People Succeed! That requires (of course!) that you must intervene and do something when one of your team members is failing! If you do nothing and they continue to fail, then eventually, higher-ups will no longer view the employee as the problem. Instead, they will see you as the problem!

Unfortunately… for many managers and supervisors, effective intervention is a challenge–how to do it without discouraging the employee and harming whatever bit of positive morale exists. In this issue of The LeadershipTracks Newsletter, I introduce the approach I recommend that has the best chance of getting the job done–helping the employee to improve; gaining the right results; and maintaining a positive relationship between boss and direct report. And the matching issue of The Personal Trainer presents step-by-step directions for accomplishing this all-important managerial task.

You can download the LeadershipTracks issue here, and a copy of The Personal Trainer issue here. Read them both; use them both; and let me know if the information and tools are helpful!

About thebossdoctor

Dr. Jim Dyke is "The Boss Doctor" whose consulting, training, and executive coaching practice has equipped thousands of managers, supervisors, and executives for more effectiveness in their various roles of leadership. His corporate website is www.CLIonline.com
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