The Powerful Pull of Praise

This post is all about the value and advantage of becoming a source of affirmation to your team–and others in your organization! Many bosses get caught up in the busyness of their work and wind up managing “by exception.” That means, the only time a team member of theirs hears from them is when there’s a problem. So… every conversation with “the Boss” is a NEGATIVE one. By the way… If you think you’re not one of those bosses, tell one of your team members, “Can you come into my office? I need to talk to you.” And then gauge their reaction! If they get a worried look on their face, like they’re headed for the “Principal’s Office” then you are probably one of those bosses! Type A bosses (High “D’s” on the DiSC assessment) are particularly disposed to management by exception. That’s because most of them aren’t motivated by praise or affirmation. They don’t need it and they don’t think OTHERS should need it, either. Consequently, they don’t see the value of affirming the work of others. But there is tremendous value and benefit in doing so! That’s why I always tell managers in my training seminars, NEVER LET YOUR PEOPLE FEEL TAKEN FOR GRANTED!

In this issue of the LeadershipTracks Newsletter, I make a case for the powerful benefits of affirming the good work of your team members. It is worth your time and effort, and the pay-offs are mighty! You can download a copy here. In the accompanying issue of The Personal Trainer, I also show you how to do it with a strategic, step-by-step approach. I even include a helpful form to guide you through the process! You can download that valuable resource for free, right here.

About thebossdoctor

Dr. Jim Dyke is "The Boss Doctor" whose consulting, training, and executive coaching practice has equipped thousands of managers, supervisors, and executives for more effectiveness in their various roles of leadership. His corporate website is
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